Rifqiokmer - MIUI 8 v6.6.16 For lenovo A319 Released. MIUI 8 also supports a dual account system. This means a different password or fingerprint can allow users to access a different home screen entirely, with different apps and data that are completely independent. After splitting, users can choose to merge their address book and call history.
The new custom Android ROM from Xiaomi also brings the ability to take long
screenshots that capture more than just can be seen on the screen.
MIUI 8 brings new scanning capabilities, and apart from QR codes, users can
now easily scan business cards to add to their contacts, scan physical objects
to search and shop for similar items on Taobao, and even scan mathematics
questions for solutions.
screenshots that capture more than just can be seen on the screen.
MIUI 8 brings new scanning capabilities, and apart from QR codes, users can
now easily scan business cards to add to their contacts, scan physical objects
to search and shop for similar items on Taobao, and even scan mathematics
questions for solutions.
Rom Information
Developer : MIUI China
Android Version : 4.4.2
A319 MIUI8 |
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A319 MIUI8 |
- Go to recovery
- Wipe data
- Wipe cahce
- Wipe dalvik cahce
- Install Rom and wait 5-7 minutes
- Reboot
Beneran apa enggak ini min
Cobain aja boongan apa bukan
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Link not working plz help
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